I had a vasectomy but my girlfriend says she is pregnant?

Question:  from a 52 yo male, good health. In the course of dating a 36 yo woman, a situation has arisen which I cannot find any clarification on beyond the normal conclusion. In October 2020 the relationship had escalated to

Cold room temperatures give me headaches and migraines?

I am searching for the medical term or explanation to a condition that I got ever since the following happened: I was renting for a couple of years a flat (in a relatively new development/house) from a landlord, who refused

Should I take Pertussis vaccine in order to protect baby from whooping cough?

Question: What is the general rule for a Pertussis vaccine? I have no symptoms. I am asking because my daughter is having a baby and she asked me to get the Pertussis vaccine in order to protect the baby from

I had an allergic reaction to lip balm, what can I put on it safely?

Question: I had an allergic reaction to lip balm and by the time I got home and washed it off, all the skin on my lips slushed off. Most regrew normal, but the center was puffy and yellowish. I thought

I am a male with weak ejaculation. Are there any remedies?

Question: 39, male with weak ejaculation. Much remains in the urethra and has to be urinated out. Sometimes there is irritation and urge to urinate but no urine to flush. Currently taking antidepressants and beta blockers which I must continue.

Should a patient with no visible lesions be treated with FLUORUORACIL(EFUDEX)

Question: 85 y old white male developed a small papula on his cheek.The dermatologist performed biopsy by excision.The dermatopathologist reported that a Ber-EP4 immuno stain was positive in a small cluster of cells.She stated that a differential diagnosis include a

What is the difference between complementary and conventional medicine?

Question: What is the difference between complementary and conventional medicine? Answer: Hi and thanks for your question. Complementary therapies are used alongside conventional medicines or treatments. These include: 1. Alternative health approaches such as traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, and naturopathy.