Over a 24 hour period I took at least 4 paracetemal every 4 hours and some morphine. Felt tired today and need to use loo regularly.
I was surprised to wake up today feeling not too bad.
I was awake most of the night and continued taking paracetemal.
Age: 55
Medications: Morphine, Zopiclone, Mebeverine, Amitriptyline, Asthma inhalers
General Information: Suffering from depression.
My Dad has cancer & it’s not looking good. I’m distraught. I’m continually made to feel surplus to requirements in helping him by other family members.
I thought I was killing myself but doing it slowly would be effective.
Most difficult, dark or catastrophic situations we experience in life are temporary and if you can imagine yourself five years down the line, you can be guaranteed that this situation will have passed and you will have not only gone through it OK but and are living better things. Speak about what you are going through with someone you trust – a friend, a therapist, a family member, clergy or co worker.
Medications should only be taken as prescribed.