The color of my face skin varies in color. It is white on upper left side and changes to a more dark color on lower left side. It has been last this for a long time. Photo has been uploaded. What is the solution?
Age: 25
Medications: None
The color of my face skin varies in color. It is white on upper left side and changes to a more dark color on lower left side. It has been last this for a long time. Photo has been uploaded. What is the solution?
Age: 25
Medications: None
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Your photo indicates there is a an issue with pigmentation. It also shows some acne. Applying a topical Clindamycin lotion over the pimple area morning and evening as well as a topical retinoid at night time. Wash your face with a hypoallergenic soap. Retinoid at night will improve your skin problems. Consult a Dermatologist. Standard treatments and actions that will be recommended may include: Acsolve lotion over the lesions BD. Arynoin gel plus cold cream at night in small quantity on the whole face. Applying a skin aqua moisturizing serum 2 to 3 times a day, using Solaris sunblock SPF… Read more »