FAQS Male Infertility: What Every Man Should Know

Male infertility is a prevalent medical problem in which a guy cannot father a child. It is often caused by either defective or insufficient sperm (which can cause male infertility). Male infertility comes from the absence of one or more of the stages required for conception.


There are several internet resources that claim to provide solutions to your queries about male infertility, yet the responses often leave you more puzzled. Infertility is a difficult diagnosis and time-consuming process, so it’s likely that you have a number of unanswered questions or a sense of dead ends whenever you’ve attempted to follow up.


Infertility affects roughly one in eight couples. Male factor infertility affects 30–40% of infertile couples, despite the common perception that infertility is primarily a female reproductive issue.


the ten most often asked questions about male infertility by patients.



How prevalent is male infertility?


A: According to the findings, male infertility is equally prevalent as female infertility. One-third of infertility cases are caused by male reproductive problems, one-third by female reproductive problems, and one-third by both male and female reproductive problems or unknown reasons.


What symptoms are associated with male infertility?


A: Signs include the failure to ejaculate or the emission of a tiny volume of seminal fluid upon ejaculation. Red or pink sperm can suggest the presence of blood. Additionally, pain, swelling, or a mass in the testicular or genital region may suggest a health problem. Prior to attempting to conceive, a man who has received blunt force injuries to the genitals or who has undergone cancer treatment should seek medical advice.


What factors contribute to male infertility?


A: Male infertility can result from a broad spectrum of diseases. Among the causes of male infertility are:


Varicocele is the presence of enlarged or dilated veins surrounding the testicles, typically affecting the left testicle and resulting in sperm destruction. Varicoceles are diagnosed in approximately 15 percent of males.


Sperm Flow Obstruction: Various disorders can lead to sperm flow obstruction, which is typically treated with simple surgery. Blockages might result in an extremely low or nonexistent sperm count.


Hormonal Difficulties Hormonal issues, which are occasionally induced by obesity, might reduce or cease sperm production.


Genetic Abnormalities: Missing, additional, broken, or malformed chromosomes, sperm DNA fragmentation, and damaged Y chromosomal genes can affect male fertility.


Infections of the prostate or epididymis can have a substantial influence on male fertility.


Oxidative Stress: Reactive oxygen or oxidants in sperm can damage the membrane and DNA of sperm cells.


Certain drugs and medical procedures can interfere with sperm production, as can their side effects.


How is fertility in men diagnosed?


A: Following a thorough medical history and physical examination, a semen assay is performed to determine the quantity and quality of the sperm. Depending on early results, additional diagnostic and genetic testing may be required. A varicocele or sperm tract abnormality may be detected with an ultrasound.


How is the quality of sperm assessed?


  1. Only by doing a semen analysis can an andrologist accurately assess the health of the sperm. The quality of sperm is determined by its motility, morphology, and quantity. Motility is the capacity of sperm to move efficiently. At least 40% of the swimmers should be going ahead quickly, and at least 50% should be swimming forward, even if the movement is slow. The optimum morphology of a sperm is characterized by a head and tail of average size. At least 14 percent of sperm must have a proper form. Sperm count is the number of sperm in seminal fluid. At least 15 million sperm per milliliter should be present in a minimum volume of 2 milliliters. It is usual for up to 25 percent of sperm to remain inactive. The target is for at least 75% of sperm to be viable.


What constitutes a “normal” range for sperm count?


A normal range for sperm count per milliliter is between 15 million and 100 million. Sperm counts below 10 million are regarded as suboptimal, however, sperm counts of 15 million or above may be acceptable provided motility and morphology are normal. Approximately 10 to 15% of infertile males have no sperm whatsoever.


What can a man do to increase his fertility?


A: Maintaining a healthy BMI, eating a good diet, exercising regularly, drinking in moderation, and taking vitamin supplements will significantly increase sperm health. Zinc increases sperm count and function, Folic Acid reduces sperm abnormalities, Vitamin C increases sperm motility, and Vitamin D promotes healthy sperm growth and libido. A daily dosage of 200 mg of Coenzyme Q10 can boost sperm count and motility.



What prevalent factors negatively impact male fertility?


  1. Excess weight can result in hormonal abnormalities, which can diminish sperm quality. Tobacco and marijuana use, as well as excessive alcohol consumption, might negatively impact sperm quality. Contrary to popular opinion, hot tubs, cell phones, and laptops do not affect male fertility; nonetheless, excessive heat around the genital region is detrimental. This includes several hours of cycling at a time. Water-based lubricants (Astroglide, K-Y Jelly) can decrease sperm motility by 60-100% within 60 minutes of intercourse.


Are there genetic or age-related factors that hinder male fertility? Does the family tree matter?


A: According to a study published in Nature, paternal fertility declines with age. The study discovered a correlation between paternal age and a higher incidence of autism and schizophrenia. Other genetic anomalies including faulty chromosomes, sperm DNA fragmentation, or inherited diseases may impact male fertility and necessitate additional study.



What is the standard fertility therapy protocol for infertile men?


A: Treatment varies based on the clinical diagnosis. A low sperm count can be addressed with a sperm wash and intrauterine insemination (IUI). If IUI fails to produce a pregnancy, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) has a high likelihood of success. Surgical correction is possible for sperm deficiency caused by anatomical defects such as retrograde ejaculation. If ejaculation is not feasible, testicular sperm can be aspirated and used in IVF. Those who have had cancer treatment and no longer have viable sperm have access to donor sperm.


No man wishes to be diagnosed with male factor infertility. There are numerous treatment methods for male infertility, so it should not hinder him from becoming a father. If you are experiencing male infertility, schedule an appointment online at https://questiondoctors.com/online-diagnosis/ today.

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