Why do so many suicides fail before the age of 25? Is it easier to die after 25 because the body starts slowing down? Why do so many attempted suicides fail? Is it because people are stupid and they dont know how to do it? Also
(seperate question) i have a big obsession with being famous and i will do almost anything to acquire it like pretend i was kidnapped and tell Nine news about it just so im talked about. WHy is it so bad to have that as a goal? to be famous just to be famous. I even wanted to date a guy just because he had a big status. he was a rugby player. Please dont tell me boring shit like see a psychologist. I already have mate. they tell me that i want approval but i want you to tell me why i really wanna be famous? I will do about anything to acquire it. except for killing someone. that goes a bit too far.
Age: 21
Medications: NONE