1. Who can ask a question?


2. What kind of questions are answered?

Questions related to Medical Problems or Health. To have your question answered be sure your question is detailed and comprehensive. Include as much pertinent information as possible.

3. Who can answer and comment on questions?

Everyone can contribute: Medical Doctors, Medical Experts, Health Specialists, Alternative Medical Practitioners, Patients with similar problems and General public in the know.

4. Why should I join, participate or answer questions on QuestionDoctors.com?

Contribute to the well being of others. Improve your online presence, develop new clients and contacts, help answer difficult medical questions or problems.

5. Posting criteria – why doesn’t my question show up?

All questions, answers and comments are moderated and must be approved before posting.

Questions and information of a confidential nature will not not posted.

6. Should I follow the advice or treatment ideas I receive.

No. QuestionDoctors.com is an open public question and answer forum. Answers on Questiondoctors.com are just general in nature and do not replace your personal doctor. Answers are just complementary to help you better understand your issue and prepare you to meet with your doctor.
Responders who answer questions do so for informational, educational and social purposes – not as your medical advisor. You should follow advice and treatment only from your personal doctor who knows you and your medical history and performs a complete evaluation and diagnosis of your problem in person.

7. How do I receive my answer?

Your answer may be posted here.

8. How do I search for questions?

Paste your question in search box. You can also search by categories (see categories here)
You can also search by specialty tags (see here)

9. Where can I set up my profile?

Your email is automatically registered when you post your answer.  Please provide some bio information on yourself when registering. To set up a profile photo go to gravatar.com

10. We reserve the right to refuse any and all questions at our discretion.

11. By using this site you agree to our terms and conditions.