Doctor said I might have light asthma, or is it Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?

Im a 25 year old male, taking symbicort for 2.5 years. one puff twice a day. I just had a spirometry test and my FVC is 85% and my FEV1 is 80%. Took the reversibility test and saw no improvement. Doctor said i might have light asthma or none at all, im just on the low side of normal. However I looked up that if there is no improvement when taking the bronchodialator, then that could be COPD? since asthma is more reversible and should show more response to the brochodialator. Am I interpreting this wrong?

Age: 25
Medications: symbicort

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Dr.Honey Arora
2:33 pm

Can you please explain in detail what symptoms do you have?

Your results of FVC and FEV1 are at lower side but still not below the range..
This range can be an indicative of milder form of asthma..

Lesser chances of COPD but need to know the symptoms.

So please first tell me the symptoms that you are observing..
