How often can I take Lantus?

How often can I take Lantus? My prescription says take at night. BS last night was 445. Took 100 units and is 330 this morning. Can I take it more than once per day to lower my BS? Can I take more this morning? I have not been taking Lantus regularly as I should have been. I’m now back on a low carb regime after having been negligent for some weeks.

Age: 75
Medications: Lisinopril-Atorvastatin
General Information: Type Two Diabetis. No other major health issues. 360 pounds.

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Arti Sharma
10:03 am

Your blood sugars are pretty high.I suggest that you take Lantus regularly as directed by your physician.It is recommended to take it once a day.If in spite of taking it regularly blood sugar remains high you may need to switch over to other forms of Insulin.A strict dietary control and daily walk will help.Best wishes and take care!

Dr.Honey Arora
10:07 am

Well you need to be on regular dosing.
Irregular intake is not going to efficiently reduce the blood sugar levels..

Also lantus is generally given once a day as it’s effect last for about 24 hours..

However as your blood sugar levels are so high you should once consult a Diabetologist and get evaluated..

However atleast 12 hours gap should be kept with proper dose titration..

So please consult a Diabetologist soon..


Ahmed Fawzy
3:43 pm

Do not take more , stay as prescribed , show your BS results to your doctor , he will probably recommend another drug
Good Luck