I had a CBC blood work done and the results are elevated WBC and platelets. It was 16.8. Neutrophils absolute 11.2, lymph’s absolute 3.4, platelets 403. All else was normal, I am very worried it may be Leukemia?
Age: 29
I had a CBC blood work done and the results are elevated WBC and platelets. It was 16.8. Neutrophils absolute 11.2, lymph’s absolute 3.4, platelets 403. All else was normal, I am very worried it may be Leukemia?
Age: 29
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Hello. I would not consider it Leukemia at this point. based on the info you provided, your platelet count is within normal range. So do not be concerned about that. The total count and neutrophils count is high – however your total count is not sufficiently elevated for it to be considered as leukemia. Usually such high count up to 20000 can be due to infection or any inflammation. So in such case, antibiotic course can be prescribed and repeated CBC after 10 days. Consult your Doctor for appropriate follow up. regards