Always had an eating problem but for the last couple of years been ok. Now started all over again. can’t keep anything in me, go to the washroom right after. What should I do?
Age: 21
Medications: No
Always had an eating problem but for the last couple of years been ok. Now started all over again. can’t keep anything in me, go to the washroom right after. What should I do?
Age: 21
Medications: No
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Based on the information you provided there seems to be a recurrence of your eating disorder. In the short term, medications such as Fluoxetine or Carbamazepine can help with your eating problem and can be quite effective. But you need to consult a psychologist who will properly diagnose your exact problem. (Bulimia, Anorexia. combination of both, or other) Afterwards, therapy, group counseling, medication, nutritional counseling will then be advised to help you deal with the problem in the long term.