I am currently 26 years old and was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2012?

Hi there I am currently 26 years old and was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2012 I believe. I was very apprehensive when hearing this because I had only had two seizures a year apart, the first one I was alseep and the second I was shopping. BOTH seizures came after a weekend that I had done MDMA and had tried Cocaine. I was in an abusive relationship and had also stopped eating properly and was extremely unhappy. All of theae factors definitely.played a part in my health and I feel as though it was over looked and I was looking for another opinion. I have been on and off my meds over the last 6 years simply because when I had first gone off way back 4 or 5 years ago i had NO issues. Light doesnt bug me, smell do not either. I dont see auras i dont get dizzy or anything. I have had coversations with other neurologists and they have said that many patients get off meds after this long withouy any issues. I understand this is a hard topic to discuss over the computer but I am curious as to what someone else would do for a patient in my situation. My neuro has horrible ratings and all patients feel over looked like I do. Any info wil help thank you.


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Dr.Honey Arora
11:33 am

Well symptoms similar to epileptic seizure can be due to some other medical conditions also..

So it is better to get an MRI SCAN or EEG done as it can give you a better picture about finding out the exact cause of the symptoms and if you need treatment or not..

Also blood tests can be done to rule out other possibilities for the seizure..

So better consult another Neurophysician for better guidance..

Hope this helps..

Regards .

Dr.Honey Arora
11:34 am

Another thing that I would like you to understand is that do not go off medication without proper consent of the doctor..
