I have a white blood count of 12000, is this a problem? The laboratory report indicates that the normal range for the white blood count is 11,000. Does this mean I suffer from some kind of illness?
Age: 35
Medications: None
I have a white blood count of 12000, is this a problem? The laboratory report indicates that the normal range for the white blood count is 11,000. Does this mean I suffer from some kind of illness?
Age: 35
Medications: None
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Hello. 12000 is slightly high, but need not be problematic unless there are additional symptoms present. Have you lost weight recently? Any symptoms like cold, vomiting, pain, rash, diarrhea, fever, allergies? To get a clear picture a detailed differential white blood cell count, hemoglobin, platelets and peripheral smear needs to be taken into consideration. Regards