I have been experiencing severe pricking sensation in the right side of my chest?

My name is (…). I am 45 years old. I am a healthy person. And I walk a lot.
I have been experiencing severe pricking sensation in the right side of my chest. I feel suffocated when this happens. And along with it i am getting heat lumps. My pain stops and as soon as it stops I get these heat lumps all over my inner thighs , stomach and on my back. And it burns. Sometimes when i wake up in morning my eyes , nose and lips will be swollen. Its been happening since 2 whole months.
I went to see the doctor. The physician gave me anti-allergy tablets along with gas tablets. I ate those but it did not cure my problem. So i again went to the physician and he said no problem….its happening because of gas problem. Then I went to dermatologist and she too gave me anti-allergies. She told me to eat those for 6 Whole months!!!! I am now on the tablets which she suggested me but those are of no use. They are not affecting me in any way. What shall i do now? Can I please know whether these signs are for any serious problem or something? Why am i facing this??


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

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Dr.Honey Arora
7:05 am

Thanks for the query.

The symptoms that you are experiencing can be most probably due to allergic reaction only..
But anti allergics can only suppress the symptoms bit do not treat them..
So my suggestion is to first of all consult an Immunologist and get proper allergy tests done to rule out the underlying case of the symptoms..
Treatment can be done efficiently only if underlying cause is ruled out..

Hope this helps..

Dr.Honey Arora
7:14 am

You can also get a chest x ray done to rule out other problems so that further investigations can be done..
