My mother (86yo) had 3 of her parathyroids removed a few years ago and is having problems stabilizing?

Hello – my mother (86yo) had 3 of her parathyroids removed a few years ago and is having problems stabilizing. She is extremely tired and visibly shaky. She is currently taking 5mg of Calcitrate in the a.m and 5 mg in the p.m. She also takes 3 Tums a day and 400 mg of Magnesium daily.

I have included her test results below. Her endocrinologist has stated he is satisfied with her calcium levels and there’s no cause for concern. She is scheduled to get a second opinion on July 16th.

Any information or direction you can provide will be MOST appreciated…thank you for your time.

6.3 pg/mL (Low)
Date: Jun 09, 2018 10:42 a.m. EDT
Reference Range:18.4 pg/mL – 80.1 pg/mL

< 5.5 pg/mL (Low) Date: Jan 13, 2016 10:08 a.m. EST Reference Range:14.0 pg/mL - 72.0 pg/mL 6.0 pg/mL (Low) Date: Nov 19, 2015 07:33 a.m. EST Reference Range:14.0 pg/mL - 72.0 pg/mL 7.0 pg/mL (Low) Date: Oct 28, 2015 09:37 a.m. EDT Reference Range:14.0 pg/mL - 72.0 pg/mL 10.0 pg/mL (Low) Date: Oct 15, 2015 10:13 a.m. EDT Reference Range:14.0 pg/mL - 72.0 pg/mL < 5.5 pg/mL (Low) Date: Sep 22, 2015 11:15 a.m. EDT Reference Range:14.0 pg/mL - 72.0 pg/mL < 5.5 pg/mL (Low) Date: Jul 08, 2015 11:05 a.m. EDT Reference Range:14.0 pg/mL - 72.0 pg/mL < 5.5 pg/mL (Low) Date: Feb 11, 2015 06:06 a.m. EST Reference Range:14.0 pg/mL - 72.0 pg/mL < 5.5 pg/mL (Low) Date: Feb 05, 2015 03:10 a.m. EST Date: Jan 06, 2015 11:50 a.m. EST Reference Range:14.0 pg/mL - 72.0 pg/mL 132.0 pg/mL (High) Date: Jan 02, 2015 03:59 p.m. EST Reference Range:14.0 pg/mL - 72.0 pg/mL 112.0 pg/mL (High) Date: Oct 22, 2014 11:37 a.m. EDT Reference Range:14.0 pg/mL - 72.0 pg/mL Age: Female Medications: Mom's meds: 5mg of Calcitrate in am & 5 in the pm; 3 Tums/day; 40 mg Magnesium/day

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Dr. Javez Ernesto
1:42 pm

Yes calcium levels are slightly below normal for her age but not highly problematic. In my opinion her calcitarte dose should be reevaluated and probably increased, including dietary calcium, intake should be at 2000 mg per day until further testing is done. Further investigation should be done as to why she is feeling tired and shaky – which may not be related to her calcium levels – beginning with a CBC.