My husband is 72 and forgetting things, can’t remember dates and forgets where he puts things like his keys and wallet. Is it alzheimer’s?
Age: 72
Medications: Zocor, Nexxum, Lisinopril, Hydrochlorothiazide
My husband is 72 and forgetting things, can’t remember dates and forgets where he puts things like his keys and wallet. Is it alzheimer’s?
Age: 72
Medications: Zocor, Nexxum, Lisinopril, Hydrochlorothiazide
My 80 year old father in laws has this symptoms. A swollen knee, bad ear pain, slurred speech, stumbling when walking, memory loss, talking to himself, temporally not knowing who a person is, hearing things, and not listening to what someone is saying,. What I do know is he a diabetic and has had heart problems in the past, but I don’t believe whats gonna on now has anything to do with either of that. Can you please at least give an opinion on what you think it maybe. Thank you
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