My daughter is 7 years old and has an extremely distended stomach. She’s had this issue for about 5 years now and it’s getting worse, with more pain. There are 4 people that live in our house, and not ONE person is overweight (i’m a health coach and personal trainer, so we eat crazy healthy). No fast food, no juice, pop, candy, etc.
Her stomach is so large, some days it looks like i could pop it with a pin.
She has had two appt with a gastro doctor that have done xrays of her stomach. He says she is full of poop and she had to take a HUGE amount of Miralax. DIDN”T WORK. Then the second xray was still just as bad. Then Magasieum drink. HUGE amounts. She complains of pain daily. Please help. They also did a Celiac text and infection test.
I added a photo of her stomach distention below.