Question: GP changed meds 2 months ago…my life has turned into hell

High blood pressure started after new GP changed meds 2 months plus ago…taken me off them now due to lots of side effects..dry eyes, flushed face insomnia etc…erratic BP..from -128/ 78 to 165/80…told me to stop meds and monitor twice daily without meds for 11 days..flushing of face twice daily, Occ dry eyes ( not as bad) more seriously BP last night after after a days walking and rested for 2 hrs was 174/90… I have not taken it today as makes me so anxious. Is all over the place. I am a healthy slim healthy diet, no smoke or alcohol …what is going on…had two kidney tests prior to change of medication..all fine….do u think it is my heart..and why resistance to one tablet is one I had taken for 14 yrs..then precious doc reduced it to a 2.5 mg water tablet..BP then was always about 127/ 78. Never over 140 like this has been for 2 months ..been on 5 and 10 mg of Linisoprol then 5 mg of Amlodopine….my life has turned into hell

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