I’m 26, female and I think I may have septic, I don’t have a family doctor, and want to know if I’m in danger. I have had knots come up in the crease of my leg and get big and hurt bad, sometimes they pop with green yellow stuff that smells terrible. That has been going on for about a year or so. I have had a very high heart rate the highest was 186 lowest was 128. I have MVP since birth. I had my OBGYN take blood when the knots kept coming and she found out I have two types of blood clotting disorder. The last week I have felt terrible!! I’m extremely weak, can’t sleep, fever (but goes away once I take my pain meds), hot and cold over and over thru the day, no energy to get out of bed! I truly feel like I’m wasting away, I feel terrible and don’t know what to do…..please help???