I’ve been experiencing a nonstop period for several months, is it endometriosis or my fibroids?

21, Female, only medications are headache medication, over the counter, etc. I’ve been experiencing a nonstop period for several months. I do have a daughter, but she’s 9 months. I talked to my OB/GYN and he said it could be where my body is still pushing out all the held periods during my pregnancy, but I don’t think it’s that considering she’s 9 months already. I have an extreme loss of appetite, as well as when I was pregnant. I can go hours without a meal, and when I do get hungry, I either eat very little or a lot.

I’m just looking for answers as to what it could be. I’ve done research and it sounds like I have endometriosis, or it could be my fibroids. I would just like a medical professional’s opinion as to what’s wrong with me.

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