Is it Immunoglobulin G4- related disease (IgG4-RD) or Pancreatitis?

My brother 16 yrs old had abdominal pain for about 6 weeks. Early diagnosis was pancreatitis. As the pain didnt go, we had post contrast CT scan. It revealed:
1. Diffussely swollen pancreatic head, body and tail showing homogenous hypo-enhancing parenchyma.
2. Smudging of the peri-pancreatic fat planes.
3. Enlarged celiac, porto-caval, aorto-caval, paraaortic, per-pancreatic and mesenteric lymph nodes.
4. Mild fatty hepatomegaly.
Lipase and Amylase levels are high(about 300 in value)
His doctors recommended IgG4, but results are after 15 days. What should I do now or at least until results came?
For family history, I had Ulcerative colitis ten years ago. Sometimes it revisits me, but it gets better on taking Sulfasalazine medications.

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