hello my name is (…) and i am 22 yrs old from israel(so i am sorry if my english is not that well),i have been using ssri throughout my life since the age of 12 with little “stops” for 2 months per year approximately, i have been using many types of ssri(Fluoxetine,Sertraline,Fluvoxamine,etc)with doses varying from very high (80 mg-20 mg) and i am not using currently for 3 years,my question is about 2 things 1. i am really afraid these pills have ruined my sense of taste and some of my smell since i feel is really weak,i don’t enjoy flavors very much and i cant detect sweet really well. overall i feel that it as been altered,is it possible that this is an outcome from the meds? if so is it reversible?is it possible that because i have been using them throughout my adolescent and my “growing” years that the damage is irreversible?i am really worried about it and i really want to know if there is some way i can “reverse”the damage if one really exists?
2.is it possible for me to have a better ability to climax since some of the side effects of these pills is lower sex drive and lower ability to orgasm? my sex drive is not high and i want to know if it has anything to do with it.thank you