I have been admitted to hospital, no diagnosis, do you have any ideas?

64 yr old woman. meds, prochlorperazineand ondansetron for nausea, ambian to sleep, levothyroxine for thyroid, zonisamide for leg cramps, Toprol, amlodipine for blood pressure, ipratropium bromide and albutrerol sulfate for breathing treatrments, humulin for diabetes. I have current symptoms as follows; nausea and some vomiting, fatigue, shaking of hands, listlessness, fever that comes and goes as well as chills, constantly tired and sleeping a lot, weight loss, lost 25 lbs. in last 3 months without trying. spent 20 days in hospital and they ran multipal tests and procedures and had no diagnosis. was out for 2 weeks with all symptoms still present. went to dr office 3 days ago and almost passed out. had chest pain ans shortness of breath. dr gave nitro tab and o2 , felt better. admitted to hospital and cardiac says heart fine. still in hospital with all other symptoms. do you have many ideas.

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