I developed an allergy to fruits/vegetables, told I have Oral Allergy Syndrome?

I am a 34 year old female. About 6 years ago I developed an allergy to apples, cherries and strawberries. Then, about 3 years later, I developed new allergies to more fruits/veggies, as well as to certain spices. So I kinda play it safe and avoid eating out. I prefer homemade foods. Anyway, almost a year ago I seen an allergist and was told I had OAS. Mainly to birch but I was allergic to tree and grass pollen. My question is that if my food allergies are due to my OAS does that mean that I do not have a ‘true allergy to the particular food(s). For example, I have noticed that eating wheat (bread), makes my throat feel a little swollen immediately and the effect will last a few minutes, although mild itch occurs within an hour or so. Will these allergies progress and possibly cause an anaphylaxis shock. Also, if I was to treat OAS with the shots, does that mean that my food allergies will go away too?

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