How dangerous is Omicron variant?

Question: I am about to travel and just wandering if I should. How dangerous is the Omicron variant? Should I be concerned?

Answer: Hello. Based on the info coming out of South Africa (where it was first identified) and the latest data, this variant is very contagious but does not seem to be very dangerous – many patients seem to suffer from cold-like symptoms. However this is very, very preliminary data and the data will evolve quickly. We will have a better idea of what we are up against withing a couple of weeks. In the meantime, precaution is the right thing to do.


I want to take the best possible Covid 19 vaccine. Which one is the best?

Question: I want to take the best possible Covid 19 vaccine. Between the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson vaccines. Which one is the best? I am a 54 year old woman with no health problems.

Answer: Hi. There has been a lot of talk about the efficacy of the different vaccines and talk about some folks preferring one to the other because of its efficacy % rate, etc. But I would recommend you take whichever vaccine is offered to you first.  All these vaccines are highly effective against severe illness caused by covid 19 and that is what really counts. Just to give you an idea, when it comes to flu shot vaccines the average efficacy is between 40 to 60%. But all covid 19 vaccines are efficacious 70% plus! And when it comes to severe illness they all range near the 80-95% range. That is really impressive for any kind of vaccine! So getting any one of these vaccines will do what it takes to protect you.


Dr. D. Zluf

Dr. D. Zluf

Should I take a vaccine to improve my immunity?

Question: I went to hospital 2 weeks ago and now have received the results of my immunity test. I don’t understand what these mean. Is there a problem that I should know about? I was prepared for the test – no meds etc. Should I consider to take a vaccine in the future? Please help.

1. HAV-IgG to Hep A – 11.48 (reactive).

2. Mumps – 47 (positive).

3. Rubella – 46.2 (reactive).

4. Measles – >300 (positive).

Thank you very much for you assistance.

Answer: Hello. Thank you for your question. Immunity concerns have been more in the forefront today what with the corona virus situation and more. Based on the info you have provided it is my opinion that you have no need to worry despite the results turning positive. For instance, for hepatitis, the virus that is considered to be dangerous is hepatitis B, all the same, you may need to take hepatitis immunization. For the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) mostly a large number of people that are tested tend to have traits of it not unless you are symptomatic, there is no need for alarm, but again I would highly recommend you take the vaccine for the same.


Dr. Deepak Patel

All Americans must start wearing masks right now!

What are Americans waiting for?

People in Asian countries have adopted the use of masks for years now. During the corona virus covid-19 outbreaks in Asia, everyone was obliged to wear a mask (and in some areas still are obliged to do so). That’s how they beat it! The use of a mask is NOT necessarily to protect the user from the virus but to PREVENT the user from spreading the virus to others! It is a very simple and intelligent thing to do. Common sense.

I don’t want to get into the reasons why North American and European governments do not promote the use of masks – that is a political issue – probably due to the fact that too much money is spent on military hardware and little to nothing spent on biological warfare or pandemic protection. Maybe it is because there is no available mass production of masks in America or not an integral part of the American culture – but that’s another issue altogether. So my advice is – WEAR A MASK, WEAR A MASK, WEAR A MASK.

Dr. D. Zluf

Dr. D. Zluf

I’ve got candida, seemingly yeast infection in urinary tract?

I have got burning pain in my scrotum – I’m taking ampitritpyline for this – 20mg per night

I’ve got candida, seemingly yeast infection in urinary tract. Doctor has prescribed me 10 day course 50 mg per day Diflican – on 5th day, but the burning is getting worse. I’m scared – should I stop the Diflucan?

Age: 66
Medications: Amitriptyline 20mg per day/diflucan 50 mg per day
General Information: Symptom are burning feelings on scrotum, very unpleasant

And hot and burning urination – stream’s ok

I just want an opinion on whether I should continue to take the Diflucan, I feel it’s making the scrotum issue worse.

I have got a bad allergy to broad spectrum anti-biotics, does this mean I should avoid anti-fungal antibiotics too?

I’m really down and scared, ‘ve had this for 3 months now

I recently bought an essential oil scar massager, is it possible that I just exposed myself to someone’s MRSA or worse?

Hello, quick question on health/safety. I recently bought an essential oil scar massager and used it on a newer keloid scar, but I realized only after using it that the massager did not have a safety seal. I contacted the seller, who told me that it should’ve had a safety seal, and that no seal means it was likely used before me. I’m now worried about germs and illness. Is it possible that I just exposed myself to someone’s MRSA or worse?

Attached is a photo of the essential oil / metal-based scar massager, for reference.

Age: 26
Medications: Supplements
General Information: I have had MRSA in the past and am very prone to infection.

I’ve got an anal yeast infection and bad thrush?

I’ve got an anal yeast infection , and bad thrush. I have been prescribed a course of itraconozole for 14 days – I’ve taken one capsule but I am really scared it will make it worse

Is it possible it could make it worse. I took one last night and it is worse this morning

I have had candida before – a severe outbreak 25 years ago when I was prescribed 2 courses of broad spectrum anti-biotics. It’s always been there underlying but now it is back with a vengeance

Please advise, should I go on taking the drug?

Age: 66
Medications: Itraconozole
General Information: The other thing is that I have become very constipated, this after some nasty unnatural looking bowel movements. I think that is down to the anal yeast infection. There is some redness on the scrotum and in the back passage. I haven’t used topical creams like nystatin etc because in the past I have found them to be totally ineffective.

I Have Multiple Sclerosis and I think I have Listeria from food that I ate?

I Have Multiple Sclerosis and I think I have Listeria from food that I ate A few weeks ago & My Doctor retired without any warning a week ago. I need to know how dangerous this could be and what do you think I should do?
I saw my dr. on feb 7th with the tail end of a cold I could not get rid of and she gave me a prescription for Amoxicillin 500mg 3 x a day, I got it filled but never used it because I did start feeling better after I saw her.
I ate some delezza Belgian Custard cream filled Mini Eclairs over a 3 day period – approx. april 25-28 and on april 4th I started feeling bad a slight fever and diarrhea off and on for a few days (I thought it was just the cold again) but then I started aching all over like someone beat me up and I’ve had a Severe Head Ache that will not go away no matter how many asprin. My Neck is super stiff and my back hurts, I am Salivating a lot because I keep feeling like I am going to throw-up, but never do.
What is funny – I liked these eclairs that I had eaten before any of this started and my husband was feeling so bad for me – he said he would get me more & he couldn’t find any. We got online looking to see who had any and saw that they have been recalled because of Listeria. When we looked up all the symptoms, I have most of them, So I started taking the Amoxicillin that my dr. gave me a prescription for (that I hadn’t taken for my cold) I started taking Amoxicillin 500mg 3 x a day on april 18th, But I feel worse – I keep loosing my balance and I can’t think very clearly. I am just worried because I have MS and I take Ampyra for it, I have low Thyroid and take Synthriod and Losartan Potassium – Hctz for Blood pressure.
Could you Please Tell me What to Do? Many Thanks, (—)

Age: 58

I have had an infection in my finger for About 8 days?

Hi, I have had an infection in my finger for About 8 days. I believe that it is paronychia. A few days ago I noticed severe pain in my left underarm, and the following day I began to have flu like symptoms. I have full body aches, fever, and the pain with the finger, as well as swelling. Not really sure if this is something that I can treat at home , or if I need to seek my doctor. Thank you so much .

Age: 19
Medications: None
General Information: I was at a spring last Saturday and I feel like I had a cut on my nail and may have gotten something into my finger to cause this.

Had low risk exposure to hiv?

Had low risk exposure to hiv. Had 4 tests – 4th gen 20, 36 and 95 days. Also rna at 26 days. All neg. Have small post.cerv lymph nodes, many dr’s examined and all smaller than 1 cm so they’re not concerned. I had unprotected sex with my wife 16 days after event. My wife had a nose bleed 70 days later in presence of my toddler. My toddler got full body Rash. ive been told i’m conclusively negative but terrified i infected my whole family. Please help. What does ARS rash look like? Dr. said it’s just dry skin but it started on stomach and chest, then moved to back, then arms and thighs. Stomach and chest better now but thighs stronger, so its kind of moving. 12 days now. Since I was told I was conclusive I neevr told pediatrician. does my daughter need to be tested?

Age: 31
Medications: none
General Information: I had no symptoms besides the small lymph nodes. I first felt the nodes 30 days after the exposure so tested again at 36 days (4th generation). I was told the combination of those tests (20 days 4th gen, 26 days pcr/rna, and 36 days were conclusively negative by infectious disease specialists. I tested again for peace of mind, full std panel, at 95 days. All negative. But I’m terrified somehow my baby got infected. My exposure was no inter course, but there was some fluid transfer as my fingers touched myself after being in her. Also she put her fingers in my butt for about a minute and she may have had her fluid on her fingers, im not sure.

I have the flu and bronchitis to go with or some type of lung infection?

hey Im pretty certain I have the flu and bronchitis to go with or some type of lung infection I’m taking niocitran my question is do I need to go see a doctors to get a prescription for antibiotics or will the niocitran do its job iv never taken it before as I live in Australia and not sure we even have it there, I’m over sees atm so not sure what to do cheers for the help

Age: 21
Medications: niocitran
General Information: cough, trouble breathing, headaces, sore overall body feeling sluggish

Can shingles affect the gastro intestinal tract?

Can shingles affect the gastro intestinal tract? Since a bout of shingles in Dec. 2017, I have experienced lack of hunger, queasy stomach and sometimes stomach pain when ingesting food. When food has been taken, bowels become erratic and sometimes with spontaneous movements. Movements sometimes occur two or three times a day tho little food is eaten. Sometimes bowels appear to contain micous. Movements occur with little or no normal indicators such as stomach growling or gas passing. Occurences sometimes by just standin from a sitting position with no prior need to excrete felt before standing.

Age: 58
Medications: tylenol