I’ve got candida, seemingly yeast infection in urinary tract?

I have got burning pain in my scrotum – I’m taking ampitritpyline for this – 20mg per night

I’ve got candida, seemingly yeast infection in urinary tract. Doctor has prescribed me 10 day course 50 mg per day Diflican – on 5th day, but the burning is getting worse. I’m scared – should I stop the Diflucan?

Age: 66
Medications: Amitriptyline 20mg per day/diflucan 50 mg per day
General Information: Symptom are burning feelings on scrotum, very unpleasant

And hot and burning urination – stream’s ok

I just want an opinion on whether I should continue to take the Diflucan, I feel it’s making the scrotum issue worse.

I have got a bad allergy to broad spectrum anti-biotics, does this mean I should avoid anti-fungal antibiotics too?

I’m really down and scared, ‘ve had this for 3 months now

I have a yeast infection but it won’t go away despite all the prescription I have?

I have a yeast infection but it won’t go away despite all the prescription I have. It’s been two weeks now. The first time I had it treated my period interrupted so now I am back to square one. I am currently taking anti biotic for yeast infection. It is not itchy there is just a lot of discharge and it does not smell yet. It is not yet smelly also. I have tried to wait and give it time but I feel like it is taking a very long time. It is not getting any better


Cardiologists – Cosmetic Surgeons – Dermatologists – Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists – Gastroenterologists – Gynecologists/Obstetricians – Neurologists – Oncologists – Orthopedic surgeons – Pediatricians – Psychiatrists – Pulmonologists – Urologists

Do I have a yeast infection?

Do I have a yeast infection?

Inside my vagina has been itchy for the past couple of days. I googled my symptoms and it came up as a yeast infection. But I’m not sure if it is because i don’t have the thick milky discharge they say should come with it. I’m not sexually active so it can be an sti. I’m not sure what it could be if it’s not a yeast infection

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Question: I have yeast infection….came back with a vengeance.

I am uncircumcised, healthy 40 year old man.
Was in a wet suit all day on July 16th, a couple weeks later developed yeast infection, which I treated topically using Modistat. Went away for a week or so, but return with a vengeance. Continued applying ointment for over a week, which cause my penis head to become quite numb, so I stopped using it and resorted to using the home remedy of applying yogurt and eating yogurt, this has been another week now and I still seem to have it. What should I do?

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