I am 39 years old. I had a Hysterectomy over 7 years ago. My uterus and all of cervix was removed and ovaries left behind. I had this because of two reasons 1:) major issues with heavy pain and bleeding. Then… 2.) I was do with severe high grade precancerous cells which ended up being the decideibg factor for doc to do the procedure. For well over 6months I have had various issues… increased urination, abdominal pain and bloating. Severe unintentional weight loss (30+pounds in 6 months. Nausea, feel full after eating, not much of an appetite. Occasional pain during sex. (Just started) and SEVERE lower back pain that’s comes and goes and length of time it last varies from each episode to on and off a couple hours to several days of constant lower back pain that brings me to tears at times. My question is: could this be ovarian cancer?
Nothing u can tell me that can be any scarier than the internet itself, so please just be completely honest and forth coming.
Age: 39
Medications: Norvasc