Scratched by cat, received repetitive doses of rabipur vaccine, any need for more or too many?

My mother got scratched by a cat on right hand that resulted in a small bleeding wound (on April 18th 2016).Wound was cleaned with water and soap immediately and dettol applied. The physician I consulted asked me to give her rabipur vaccine. Since rabipur was not available in my locality, I brought it from a wholesaler on april 18th night but forgot to keep the vaccine in fridge. On 19th April (day 0), Rabipur was given to my mother (but the vaccine was not kept in fridge overnight), on 22nd April (day 3), she took XPRAB vero cell rabies vaccine (as rabipur was out of supply), on 26th April (day 7) she completely missed the dose, on 3rd May (day 14) she took rabipur at Govt, Hospital. I consulted the physician again and he told me that since the taken doses are all messed up, he asked me to repeat the doses again for my mother on day 0, day 3 ,day 7 and day 14, since rabipur was available this time, so my mother again took rabipur injections in a local pharmacy on 10th May, 13th May, 17th May and 25th May 2016, last dose ‘day 14’ delayed by 1 day as she had fever .In total ,she took 7 vaccines ,now what happened yesterday she was scratched by our pet cat on finger, there was small blood and it was cleaned immediately, the cat is vaccinated this year in march ’16 and June ’16, though the consulting doctor said there is no need for further vaccines, but i still gave her one booster dose today,does she need to take further booster dose of anti rabies vaccine as I read Post-exposure prophylaxis of persons previously appropriately immunized with rabies vaccine consists of: local wound treatment and two 1.0 mL IM doses of rabies vaccine given on days 0 and 3rd, pls suggest.

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