I’m losing it here. My grandma hasn’t slept in 15 days!!!! Roughly a month ago she starting taking some joint pills which I believe led to her stomach acid coming up to her throat (I think). Anyway now she has a very irritated throat. According to the doctor’s, she has bronchitis. They gave her some medicine and that didn’t help. We went all over the place looking for medicine or looking for a cure but we can’t find one that works. Sometimes the medicine makes her condition worse! Nothing is working! Everytime she tries to fall asleep her irritation gets worse, whether she lies down and or sits up sleeping. We’ve taken her to the hospital 3 times and they refuse to do anything other then take tests and send her away!!!!!! The other day she said she was feeling very weak and we took her to the hospital and again they did absolutely nothing! They wouldn’t even help her sleep at all!
I’m very desperate right now. I don’t know what else to do. If anyone can give me answers or give me any advice on what to do I would very grateful. I am crying so much because she has to suffer like this and her lack of sleep could lead to the worst. Please help me!