My partner is a 59 year old male who was diagnosed with stage 2 throat and neck cancers three months ago.
The tumors we can see are obviously around his throat but go around his ear and the back of his head.
We know he has tumors on his sinus and tonsils.
He has lost the ability to swallow and his speech is all but gone, he has a constant headache that prevents sleep, he is in agony around his face and neck/shoulders.
So far he has done one session of chemotherapy and four radiotherapy however, it hasn’t decreased his tumors as they are now three times the size!!!
Before he started treatment he experienced momentary blindness and halucinations.
Initially the doctors gave him oxycodeine but then declined to give him more as they said his throat is going to close and they plan to keep him in hospital on a morphine drip!!!
Now I am worried that they are putting him through chemo and radiotherapy for naught.
Is it possible that the cancer is spreading and can it spread to the brain?