I have a question. Lately I have a very funny feeling in my chest almost like a soft shock. It feels as if I walk to hard (as if I jumped). Even when I sit down to hard, I will get the strange feeling. I did have a disck fusion about 6 years ago between the T2 and T3. I do have an ulcer and take medication for it.
It started about a few weeks ago with a strange pain in my left arm. Deep inside my arm, not the bone the flesh. I took Arcoxia for 7 days, it did help a little bit, but for the last week I get this strange feeling as well. It sound so stupid but I now walk slowly, sit down slowly to avoid getting the feeling. It’s not sore. I’m always to scared that its something with my heart – dont have heart problems as far as I know. I’m 51 years old (female). My tyriod were removed 26 years ago. Do take euthyrox 0.1mg. I did loose a lot of weight unintentially the last 2 years, but I am at a reasonable weight for my height. Last time I tested my thyriod it was very unactive, although I am skinny.