I have not been well for two years with gastro issues, sweating, weight loss, thick phlegm. In fact a lot of the symptoms point to some form of autonomic neuropathy. I also have thick phlegm and a strange tickling sensation in my chest. A low dose ct was clear in Feb 2016, but I am worried about sclc causing paraneoplastic autonomic neuropathy with the tumor being too small to appear on CT. Am I being silly? I am male 49.
i! I am a 56-year-old female who is a chef in a very busy restaurant in NY. I get a full physical annually. Hey, at my age it is all about maintenance and early detection. I am 5’8″ tall and small-boned. I am half Dominican/West Indian and half German. Up until last year, my bloodwork and colonoscopy results showed no alarming signs. I was perimenopausal with 2 very juicy fibroids that caused me to be temporarily anemic due to months of near hemorrhaging which was relieved through laparoscopic hysterectomy. I recovered quickly and returned to work, but thought that I had sciatica and arthritic knees. This was due to a significant weight gain. I was weighing in at 220 pounds, the heaviest I’ve ever been. No wonder my knees hurt, right?
Anyway, enough background info. Here is the present issue. My most recent bloodwork resulted in a diagnosis of being prediabetic. Many Americans are getting this news from their primary physicians these days, but I was apparently dangerously there. I was sent to a nutritionist and have been following instructions religiously. I lost 40 pounds fairly rapidly and lowered my numbers to my physician’s satisfaction and delight. HERE IS THE PRESENT PROBLEM. I have lost an additional 13 pounds and have been told by those who I trust that it is time to stop losing weight. My father and boyfriend are a bit concerned that this is getting out of hand and worry that I may develop an eating disorder. After a lifetime of being a voluptuous gal, I can NOT believe that this is happening. However, I am educated, well-read and am well-aware of what this problem can become and am desperately in need of sound medical advice.
How do I maintain the necessary, carb-conscious eating habit which has now become second nature, yet stop losing weight? Is it about an occasional slice of pizza or bowl of rice? Should I be terrified of regaining weight? Because I am but I know that I must address this issue before a problem develops.
The weight loss has to stop without a weight gain taking place. How do I do this? HELP!!!
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