I’ve been diagnosed with a UTI and have antibiotics that aren’t doing anything?

Hi, I’ve been diagnosed with a UTI and have antibiotics that I’ve took for 2 days that aren’t doing anything. I have constant pain and pressure and the pain for the past 2 days and is nearly unbearable when I have a wee it’s burning and stinging. There is blood in my underwear and I’m finding it difficult to walk and sit down as the pain is allot worse. The pain is worsening rather than getting better. Please help on this ?

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Dr.Honey Arora
12:25 pm

I would like to know that have you got any investigation done like urine culture, ultrasound etc?
Which antibiotics are you taking?
What is your age/sex and do you have any medical problems?

Please write back for a better understanding of your problem and precise guidence..

Regards .

Masr Fawzy
3:50 pm

U need to investigate for stones it seems to be calcular pain

x Ray. And US is to be done

Ahmed Fawzy
9:17 pm

You need first to do a urine culture to determine which antibiotic works, if you have already done this and it is not working your doctor should prescribe more than one antibiotic (two or three)
Good Luck

Ayman Darrag
1:12 am

Definitely you must go for a urine culture to get a proper antibiotic for the bacteria type, as it may be resisting to your antibiotic.
The presence of blood in urine also need a kidney and urethera check for stones/ infection ..an USG is vital ..