I have an overactive bladder and beed to urinate throughout the day and sometimes at night. i am being recommended to try Botox. Can Botox be used to treat an Overactive bladder (OAB)?
Age: 45
Medications: NA
I have an overactive bladder and beed to urinate throughout the day and sometimes at night. i am being recommended to try Botox. Can Botox be used to treat an Overactive bladder (OAB)?
Age: 45
Medications: NA
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Before considering Botox, you need to use an Anticholinergic medication such as Oxybutynin. if anticholinergic drugs do not help you – then you may consider Botox as a second resort. Botox is a recommended treatment for an overactive bladder – but treatment needs to be redone about every 8 months. And can be repeated. Botox is injected directly into your bladder muscle and dulls the nerves that control your bladder muscle and cause a need to urinate.