I am having tightness, cramps, dull and achy throbbing pain in my legs?

I am having tightness, cramps, dull and achy throbbing pain in my legs when I am standing or walking. The more that I am standing, the more the tightness in my legs gets worse. When I am walking, I become dizzy and unsteady and the tightness in my legs gets worse. The tightness, cramps, dull and achy throbbing pain starts from above my knees and goes down to the lower part of my legs. What tests can be done to determine this problem? What doctor or specialist should I see regarding this problem?

Age: 56
Medications: None

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Dr. Javez Ernesto
4:40 pm

Could be due to a number of problems. You should first consult with your primary care physician for a physical exam as well as CBC -complete blood count. Secondly – Arthritis or Spine problems should be ruled out. An X-ray or MRI is recommended. Thereafter you may need to consult with a rheumatologist, an orthopaedic specialist, or joint surgeon depending your doctor’s recommendations and findings