I had a steroid injection, when will I feel improvement?

i had a steroid injection at 2pm (it is now 12 hrs later) for a triggerfinger of my 3rd finger of my right hand. The finger is even more contracted and somewhat numb. the injection was painful and the site in the palm is slightly bruised. Is this normal? when will the “contraction” begin to improve?

Age: 77
Medications: levithyroxine metformin metoprolol simvastatin lossrtin tamsulocin baby aspirin
General Information: i had an injection for the same finger 2 years ago

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Dr. Javez Ernesto
7:33 am

Probably a cortisone post injection flare reaction and will resolve within a day or two. Ice can help. Pain should subside once cortisone begins to take effect. If pain continues consult your doctor.

Dr.Honey Arora
3:12 pm

It is seen at times after Steroid shot..
But it gradually gets better..
For now cold compresses can help..
Do gentle movements and do not over exert the finger.
Wait for 3-4 days..
Hopefully the pain and movements will improve..
