Can you please tell me what these test results mean? 73 yr old African American woman. Study Result
ECHO Narrative
· The left ventricular systolic function is normal, ejection fraction is
· The left ventricular cavity size is normal.
· Left ventricular diastolic function is abnormal. Mild (grade I) showing
impaired relaxation.
· The right ventricular cavity size and systolic function is/are normal.
· There is moderate mitral annular calcification present.
· There is aortic valve calcification present.
· Mild tricuspid and aortic regurgitation.
· Mildly elevated RVSP at 37 mmHg.
· No prior study for comparison.
Age: 73
Medications: Vitamins
Hi.. Thanks for the query.. Mitral annular calcification is a chronic process in which there is deposition of calcium in the mitral valve annulus. The mitral annulus is typically flexible. In mitral annular calcification it becomes less flexible and thicker. Aortic valve calcification is a condition in which calcium deposits form on the aortic valve in the heart. These deposits can cause narrowing at the opening of the aortic valve. This narrowing can become severe enough to reduce blood flow through the aortic valve — a condition called aortic valve stenosis. Aortic valve calcification may be an early sign that… Read more »
Hello. You seem to be having valvular problem in heart.Calcification indicates calcium deposits in valves.It can cause problems like stenosis.You need a thorough cardiac evaluation.Visit a Cardiologist.