I have feet pain. I want to cry when I stand back up they hurt on a scale of 10, no one knows why?

45yr old female take blood pressure med 2.5 lisapral I have feet pain that happens after I have been on them for an hour and then I set down for 15 mins and I want to cry when I stand back up they hurt on a scale of 10 being the worst-case and no one has been able to tell me why this happens by the end of the day they hurt if I stand or set any thing that could help

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Ayman Darrag
4:48 am

Hi and welcome to question doctors.com
This depends on where the pain exactly is is it in your heels or in your metatarsals or the middle of your foot..
You may be suffering either of these
Calceneal spur due to increased uric acid…
Plantar fascitis due to calceneal spur..
Overused loading on metatarsals due to standing for long times on your feet.
I recommend doing ESR and uric acid analysis..
Foot xray …
Please specify your pain site exactly