My son has bald spots and alopecia?

When my son was 18 years old, he got very tense studying and a result of worries and pressure during the final exams, my son got a ring of fire then he start losing part of his hair. This was 3 years ago and he still has bald spots on his head without hair and the ring of fire was cured on the first year
Then he start to have alopecia on his head and his eyebrows , hands and legs.
Different doctors gave him injections on the bald spots but this is not giving any progress. This is affecting his social life and taking the injections in the bold spots on his head is hurting him and he wants to stop taking it.
Please advise me of any new medication or a prescription to use to make his hair grow again.


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Dr.Honey Arora
8:13 am

The symptoms that your son is facing are appearing to be an advanced form of Alopecia Areata that is called Alopecia Universalis that leads to loss of hairs from scalp as well as rest of the body parts..

It can be due to autoimmune causes, genetic causes in combination with certain environmental factors..

So as the symptoms are not getting better you should go for a scalp biopsy as well as biopsy from other most affected areas so that the exact cause can be ruled out..

Hope this helps,.

Dr.Honey Arora
9:30 am

Certain treatment modalities like Photodynamic therapy, steroids or combination therapy with Cyclosporin and steroids can help, although complete recovery is less frequently seen..

Hope this helps..

elmi fara
elmi fara
4:55 am
