My wife had a cervical stitch procedure done. What to do now?

Question: My wife had a cervical stitch procedure done in the 19th week of pregnancy. She is now almost 37 weeks old and doctors oppose the removal of the suture. The last time the cervical length measured in week 23 was 36 mm. We suspect that he did this to encourage the delivery of a caesarean section. Do we have to get a second opinion in this case? My wife does not like going to cesarean section unless absolutely necessary. What to do now?

Age: 37
Medications: NA

Answer: After inserting the cervical suture( to prevent pregnancy or premature birth), the goal is to remove it after the woman enters the latency phase or works actively in the workspace. There is no reason to have it withdrawn earlier so she can return home because this renews possibility of labour.. Once again, it is not related to cervical suture. If the baby is in proper position delivery must be performed. But if there is asynclitic (first shoulder) or non-progressive labor or fetal burden at birth or a tight neck strap, as determined by ultrasound and based on NST (non-stress test), then only cesarean section is planned and not due to the cervical suture. So she is right not to get rid of it now and continue with intent to deliver. You can actually wait until finished 40 weeks plus 3 days to start natural labor.


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