I had sex with my boyfriend and I think he tore something in me because I’ve been bleeding the whole day I’m scared what do I do ?
I had sex with my boyfriend and I think he tore something in me because I’ve been bleeding the whole day I’m scared what do I do ?
I am 34 years old. I have thyroid problems. I’ve had 1 miscarriage and 2 children. 8 years ago I had my tubes tied. I had my regular period a week ago and I stopped bleeding…but Everytime my husband and I have sex I start bleeding really bad afterwards. We haven’t done anything different. Can you please tell me what could cause this. Someone said I could be pregnant in my tubes or have a cyst or tumor. It doesn’t hurt…just a little cramping. I will bleed anywhere from 1 your to 12hours then stop again. What is going on?
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