Can i give blood while on pain prescription medication without the blood recipient getting defective genes?

I’m type 1 diabetes (for 25 yrs,) insulin dependent ,with severe arthritis ,an auto imunne disease &can i give blood while on pain prescription medication without the blood recipient getting defective genes from my blood .Also in 2010 i was in a severe car wreck ,where my hip socket ,hip bone &pelvic bone were broken &my right knee cap destroyed &my femur bone broke in half &i almost bleed to death ,so i was given 4 pints of blood.My question is could the blood i received change my blood or cause me to have different personality traits or certain kinds of cravings for different type foods or cause me to have alot more allergies than i had before i received the blood transfusion. Also last year my insurance changed i had to go with brand new doctors one of which was a new orthopedic doctor which wanted to take change my pain meds so he put me on Tylenol arthritis 4 times a day&a new anti inflammatory 2 times a day in less than a week i got really sick &my blood liver enzymes were thru the roof &emergency room results said i had liver damage ,I have also had extreme digestive problems ever since ,could all that have been caused by the new anti inflammatory &the Tylenol?I also want to know if doctors have to read &know the side effects &complications of every medication they prescribe ?

Age: 47
Medications: Fentnal 50mg patch change every 4 days ,oxycodone 3 times a day if needed , flexirl 20mg 1 at bedtime if needed ,lantus insulin 60 units 1 time a day ,humalog insulin up to 40 units total, sliding scale units if needed .
General Information: Type 1diabetes,breast cancer,&female reproductive cancer ,lung cancer ,severe reumatoid arthritis, kidney deformation &kidney disease ,also im not sure what its called but where your blood gets to thick &causes blood clots all theese run in my family as my deceased
Brother ,deceased uncles& aunts &deceased gransparents on both sides my family (both my uncle &grandmother on my fathers side that had lung cancer also &died from uncle at 62 yrs old 5months after diagnoses &my grandmother died at 89yrs. 2 months after diagnosis neither were smokers &they never lived or were around smokers also my father died at 47 of a drug interaction from medication, for staff infection &pain meds&he took tylonol pm to go to sleep,my grandmother &uncles were not smokers or around smokers other than in public places .SHOULD I HAVE A DNA MEDICAL TEST &GENE TEST DONE .I PURCHASED ONE BUT I HAVENT SENT IT OFF YET .IT SUPOSE TO TELL ME WERE MY ANSESTORS ARE FROM.&MY MEDICAL GENE HISTORY IT A 23 &ME TEST .