I just had an MRI to check breast implant do I need to worry about cancer?

I just had an MRI to check breast implant.
It reads: ”
Right breast silicone implant demostrates a prepectoral silicone implant withoust definite signs of rupture.
There is a prominent radial fold along the interior central aspect. There is a surrounding T@ bright fluid collection which suppresses on water suppresed images.There are 2 areas of focal bulge with possible herniation, of the superior lateral and the superior central aspects of the implant”
There is a focal bulge along the superior lateral aspect measuring 2 cm,containing T2 bright water signal fluid.
Superiorly, the implant and surrounding fluid bulges posteriorly and there may be disruption of the fibrosis capsule.”

Now, last week I had a mammogram and they said that cancerwise everything was all right.
But with this MRI, do I need to worry about cancer?

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