I was diagnosed with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis by MRI in early October after suffering severe headaches. I have never had headaches in my life, with the exception of very occasional tensions headaches. No cause was determined, which I understand is not unusual. I have been taking warfarin since. I had a follow up MRA at the end of December. The radiologist report:
“Improvement in previously seen dural venous thrombosis with residual
nonocclusive filling defects within the superior sagittal sinus and
torcula and extending into the proximal right transverse sinus.”
Initially, after having been placed on warfarin, my headaches pretty much went away. I have, however, woke in the morning with the occasional bad headache. Somewhat confused as to why this would happen, I did some reading to find out that headaches could continue for quite some time due to scar tissue. What confuses me about this is that if it is scar tissue, then the scar tissue is always there. In that case, why would the headaches come and go? I spoke to my doctor almost 2 weeks ago, because acetaminophen does not help the headaches and they can sometimes be quite painful. At the time of our conversation, I had had a headache that lasted three days followed by about three weeks headache free and then another headache. However, in the past week I have had three headaches bad enough that I have had to take prescribed Vicodin for them. The one I have this morning came on in the middle of the night and I resisted taking medication for as long as possible. I did take Vicodin 2 1/2 hours ago and I still have pain. Is it normal for me to still be having severe headaches six months into treatment? I have five children to care for and my husband works out of town most of the time. The headaches, while not completely debilitating, make it difficult for me to go about my normal duties. Can you shed any light on this? I cannot find any good information to help me understand why I am still having headaches that hurt just as bad or almost as bad as the ones that sent me to the doctor in the first place six months ago.