Do I require surgery ?

My CT Scans results are as follows:
There is polypoidal mucosal thickening present within both maxillary sinuses. This is more severe in the right maxillary sinus.
There is associated occlusion of the right OMU.
There is slight attenuation also demonstrated of the left OMU.
A deviated nasal septum is seen to the left hand side.
Thickening is seen of the right middle and inferior nasal turbinates.
Mucosal thickening is also present in the frontal and anterior ethmoid air cells with occlusion noted of the right fronto-ethmoidal recess.
The left fronto-ethmoidal recess is patent.
The sphenoid sinus and the spheno-ethmoidal recesses are patent.
No air fluid levels are visualised.
The visualised bones and orbits are normal.
The posterior nasal space and the oropharynx is normal.
Do I require surgery ?