I left my teaching position to return to school and as a result I had to change medical insurance. I had (—) all docs are in network. This meant I needed to find new doctors as of December. Four months ago I started having issues of bad bloating, abdominal pain, weight gain, distension, spotting white tissue, fatigue, and brownish -reddish discharge during sex. I had to establish care with new doctors. This began April 30th. End of May I had a pap smear with new ob/gyn and he said everything is normal. I was still experiencing all the symptoms above (coffee grind specks when wiping and white tissue not enough to wear a panty liner and brownish discharge during sex). I scheduled another appointment to follow up on the continued issue of irregular discharge, but I canceled due to travel.
On Friday June 22nd while out of state I passed an enormous mass on what would have been the first day of my cycle. One ended looked like gray chicken skin covered in the coffee grind discharge mentioned earlier and the other end a long uterus shaped clot covered in the mysterious white tissue mentioned earlier. I passed a tremendous amount of blood that day. I consulted my new doc’s office and they said to go to an ER in that state or wait and see a different doctor in my hospital group first thing Monday. After a urine test second ob/gyn dismissed it as a polyp and said I wasn’t pregnant. On 6/29 a transvaginal ultrasound showed a 1 cm mass. My ob/gyn said it looks like a miscarriage/endometrial cast but he was unsure. He sent me for a hysterosonogram the following cycle. On the first day of that cycle 7/14 I passed more tissue. The last 5 pictures in the collage. Hysterosonogram 7/24 came back no signs of mass. I had odd smells up until I passed the last tissue. Ob/gyn says it wasn’t a polyp, but he doesn’t know what it was consult a new physician in my new state of Ohio. I moved 2 weeks ago. Did I have an early miscarriage?
Age: 32
Medications: Vitamins
General Information: I am not on birth control. Took a morning after pill early June. After the initial symptoms weeks before passing the tissue on 6/29. I dilated and had contractions and cramps
(unattached photos)