Trying to conceive but no success, need solution?

We are married for approx 4.5 years and trying to conceive since then but no success. We started treatment for same around 1 year ago. My sperm count are 15 mill/ml. My wife’s AMH level is 0.68 ng/ml and FSH is 13.35 mIu/ml We tried two failed IUIs. Due to my low sperm count and her low AMH levels our doctor is suggesting for OD IVF for successful IVF. I do not want to go with donor egg IVF at this stage. I see it as a last resort only. What option do we have? Can we do IVF with my wife’s egg? I did some research on internet and found AMH test is relatively new and it only predicts about overian reserve not about the egg quality. Even, women having 0.1 AMH have conceived naturally. I found if she takes following contents for 3 months her egg quality and hormone levels can be improved. DHEA, 25mg thrice a day. CoQ 10, 100 mg daily Folic Acid 1mg/day Greens: wheat grass 2 shots/day, or, spirulina 3000mg/day Omega-3 2000mg/day Vitamin D 1000 IU/day Can you please prescribe for above contents and also for improving my sperm count? I plan to do AMH test again after taking medicines for 3 months. Regards

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