I contracted some food borne disease, can e-coli or salmonella poisoning be causing UTI? Or antibiotics?

While in Vietnam, I contracted some food borne disease. Diarrhea (almost immediately after any attempt at food) chills, night sweats, exhaustion, cramping. This lasted about 4 days until I got to Taipei and got cephalexin. First day, I took four 250mg tablets and started to get some relief. I took 4 again the next day… but abdominal pain became acute in the lower left quadrant. Frequent urination, increased pain as bladder filled. Question: can e-coli or salmonella poisoning ALSO cause a UTI or can the antibiotics? If the latter, should I stop taking them? I won’t be back in the US to see a doc until after Thanksgiving – any advice is appreciated.

Age: 53
Medications: N/a
General Information: Additional symptoms: lower back pain, reduced appetite.