I have been experiencing various types of allergies from childhood?

Hi, I am a female, 28 years old. I have been experiencing various types of allergies from childhood. Due to increase in heat, stress or dust I get itchy & red eyes often, also frequent bouts of sneezing due to dust or cold weather.

During the past 2 years, I have been facing itchy & flaky scalp & these days, I get granular pieces from my scalp and a hell lot of hair loss.

Also, I have been facing from itchy vaginal fluid that sometimes becomes very thick. These days I get sudden hunger pangs, grumbly stomach & heartburn when I eat food which vanishes when I drink water.

Since I have a history of allergies, I wonder if all these are connected and I’m worried it it is somerhing serious.

I approached many doctors. I used candid creams, took terbimine tablets etc. No luck. I was tested for sugar, HB content & it is all normal. Please let me know what I should do.

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