Hi my name is (…) and one year ago I got spinal meningitis which affected my legs and hands with a lot of Edema to where I could not even walk it wood edema has gone down but my feet are still numb and swollen feeling and my hands my question is that I have a swollen area in my tailbone area that if I sit wrong on it it makes my feet more numb and the numbness and pain generate up my legs and I’m taking Lasix 20 milligrams a day for over a year now can the Lasix be causing me more problems then helping it feels like my arms and legs are more swollen , when I first came home from the hospital the edema was so bad that it started leaking out of my pores in my feet and legs and I was unable to walk I could not bend my ankles or knees now I can walk with forearm crutches but the problem still exists in the numbness and swelling