I have been having severe chest pains, irregular heart beat, swelling of the hands, legs and feet, weakness (generalized), fevers of 99.9-103F, body aches and pains, shortness of breathe, fatigue and lack of energy. . My swelling keeps spreading to different parts of my body and I have no idea why. It ounce went to the side of my neck and jaw. My swelling began around May 2015. Idk if I may had a infection somewhere and it recently gotten to my heart but I didn’t have heart problems till now (recently diagnosed November 2015) because I’ve gotten a EKG back in March and nothing came back but every time they ran a blood count, my white blood cell count was elevated higher than normal. I am only 16 and been going through this since August of 2014 Nothing helps my symptoms it’s always there. Idk if it’s a medical emergency or what doctor to see. I’ve tried lots of different medications and no doctor can figure out what’s wrong. Throughout my sickness I passed out once because of the sickness. I really don’t know who to go see or what I should do. Any suggestions? Thank you very much.